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EM Position Openings

Job Posting - West Region Wildfire Council - GIS S...
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The West Region Wildfire Council (WRWC) is accepting applications to fill our GIS Specialist position. 


The GIS Specialist is the inhouse technical expert for all Geographic Information Systems (GIS) related needs and functions for West Region Wildfire Council (WRWC) staff as well as for select partner/collaborative projects and initiatives. The GIS Specialist is responsible for the development and management of all GIS related workflows, geospatial database administration and management as well as the creation/building/management of static and online map products. The successful candidate will work with the Council staff as well as select external partners to assist WRWC with increasing community, ecosystem, and watershed resilience to wildfire in western Colorado.


The full position description, benefits and instructions for how to apply can be found by visiting our employment page:


Please forward this career opportunity within your networks. 


Video highlighting some of our work/partnerships:

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