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HomeCO- EOC Position Task Book Certification

Colorado EOC Position Task Book Certification

The Colorado Emergency Management Association has entered a strategic partnership with the Colorado Office of Emergency Management, to manage the EOC Position Task Book Certification Program.

The EOC Position Task Book Certification Program was created because:

·         There was no state-wide standard for EOC personnel.

·         It creates a professional standard for deployment to and operating in an EOC.

·         When disasters extend through multiple operational periods, additional EOC personnel are required.

The certification task book provides 4 levels of function.

·         A local certification tool

·         A job aid to use preparing to deploy into an EOC or during an EOC activation

·         A training tool to base curriculum on, or to train from the document

·         A state professional certification

The program will provide: 

·           A standard for certification to ensure the basics are present in EOC personnel deploying into a disaster area.

·           EOC personnel certified on state systems and plans.

·           Certified personnel who can provide relief for exhausted initial response EOC staff. 

·           A resource pool of personnel who can mobilized under the resource mobilization plan and fund.

·           A professional standard that defines EOC operations as a critical and specialized skill of emergency managers.
·           A person certified to execute critical tasks for the task books of EOC Manager, EOC Planning Section Chief, EOC Logistics Section Chief and EOC Emergency Support Function roles (ESF).

Blank Position Task Books,  other information can be found here:    EOC Task Book Program

Submit your completed Task Book and other requirements here:    EOC Task Book Submissions   

For further information, please contact:


EOC Task Book Committee Chair
Kim Scott