2023 Colorado Emergency Management Conference
Embassy Suites and Conference Center – Loveland, Colorado
February 14, 15, and 16, 2023
Sponsorship Registration Announcement
We would like to extend an opportunity for you to participate in the 2023 Colorado Emergency Management Conference: scheduled for February 14, 15, and 16, 2023. The Colorado Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) and the Colorado Emergency Managers Association (CEMA), annually join forces with public works, public health and hospitals, schools and universities, fire, law enforcement, local and county government, EMS, community and volunteer organizations and private citizens to develop a comprehensive conference agenda on emergency management. The focus of the conference is to support and encourage the integration of preparedness and response efforts at the community and state levels.
The participation and support of our Sponsors is critical for a successful conference.
Exhibition Area Amenities for 2023:
2023 COEM Conference - Exhibition Area Layout
(Selected Booths Marked!)
Embassy Suites - Conference Center Map
Map of Parking Lot - Display Layout
- Wi-Fi and power will be provided to all exhibition booths at no extra charge.
- As in 2022, the exhibition area will remain double the size than it was in 2019.
- A lounge area will be set up in the middle of the exhibition area, which will increase foot traffic and encourage attendees to spend more time in the exhibition area. This will also provide a comfortable setting for all sponsors to meet with customers and potential customers.
- The exhibition area is located between ballroom and breakout session rooms, and there will be a gap in the air wall between the main conference room and the exhibition area. This allows conference attendees to pass through the exhibition area on their way to the breakout rooms.
- The Sponsor social and coffee service will be located in the exhibition area to increase attendee dwell time in the exhibition area.
- The exhibition area is designed to accommodate freedom of movement, and easier egress/ingress to the exhibition booths.
- The parking lot spaces at curbside, immediately outside of the conference area, will be for display of vehicles, tents, and related equipment.
All sponsors have the opportunity to:
- Meet and greet over 500+ emergency management professionals, public health professionals, hospital representatives, law enforcement, EMS, fire personnel, school representatives and other stakeholders who attend this annual event.
- Be recognized in the Conference App.
- Have a booth in the exhibition area.
- Display vehicles and other related equipment in the parking lot adjacent to the exhibition area. (Please contact Glenn Boyd gboyd@ouryacountyco.gov , if you intend to display vehicles/equipment.)
- Attend any or all of the workshops and events, including meals.
As a Conference Sponsor, your company will be marketed through printed materials, conference app, and other marketing opportunities (see Sponsorship Opportunities below). Attendees of the conference are seeking to increase their knowledge and skills and to view new products and resources that will assist them in their jobs. You will have the opportunity to network with all of the attendees from a wide array of professions and expertise.
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Premium location for exhibition with three 6-foot skirted tables and chairs
- Small lounge area with one 4-foot round table and chairs
- Sponsorship of Wednesday evening entertainment activity
- Splash Page on the Conference App
- Ten (10) complimentary conference registrations for your staff, to include to events and meals
- Prime location for exhibition with two 6-foot skirted tables and chairs
- Sponsorship of Tuesday evening Welcome Reception
- Recognition in the Conference App
- Eight (8) complimentary conference registrations for your staff, to include all events and meals
- Prime location for exhibition with two 6-foot skirted tables and chairs
- Recognition in the Conference App
- Sponsorship of all-day coffee cart with name tent listed as Silver Level Sponsor
- Six (6) complimentary conference registrations for your staff, to include all events and meals
- Exhibition space with one 6-foot skirted table and chairs
- Sponsorship of afternoon breaks with name tent listed as Copper Level Sponsor
- Recognition in the Conference App
- Four (4) complimentary conference registrations for your staff, to include all events and meals
THIRTY-TWO (32) EXHIBITOR LEVEL - $1,000 (Filled!)
- Exhibition space with one 6-foot skirted table and chairs
- Recognition in Conference App
- Two (2) complimentary conference registrations for your staff, to include to all events and meals
** IMPORTANT - In late January, 2023, Registered Conference Sponsors will receive an email requesting the names of their staff that will be attending the conference, so that they can be registered for the conference. **
The Embassy Suites Loveland is located at 4705 Clydesdale Parkway, Loveland, Colorado, 80538, with easy access to Interstate 25. The hotel features the John Q. Hammond Conference Center, and a variety of comfortable suites and rooms. Amenities include a full-service business center, swimming pool, hot tub, and a complimentary Evening Reception sponsored by the hotel. The hotel is only 50 minutes from Denver International Airport.
- Sponsor space: See above Sponsorship information
- Sponsor space: Each space includes a six-foot skirted table and 2 chairs in the Pinyon Pine and River Birch A, B and C rooms – a prime area of the conference. Includes power and Wi-Fi at no charge.
- Sponsor Lodging: Sponsors are responsible for their lodging arrangements, including making reservations.
- Additional Services: Sponsors can arrange for additional services (larger tables, business services etc.) by contacting the hotel directly. Shipping services are also available. Arrangements for these services can be made directly with the hotel by calling the Sales Office at 970-612-2390, or by completing and returning an Embassy Suites Vendor Packet.
2023 COEM Conference - Exhibitor Services Order Form
Monday, Feb. 13 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm (Set-up should be completed by 12:00 pm on Tues., Feb. 14th.)
Tuesday, Feb. 14 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Exhibit hours:
Tuesday, Feb. 14 12:00 pm – 6:30 pm (Welcome Social will be in the Exhibition area on Tues., Feb. 14, 5-6:30 pm)
Wednesday, Feb. 15 8:00 am – 6:30 pm
Thursday, Feb. 16 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
Take down:
Thursday, Feb. 16 after 1:00 pm
For additional information or special requests:
Glenn Boyd
2023 COEM Conference - Sponsor Coordinator
Ouray County Office of Emergency Management
Thank you in advance for your interest and we hope to see you at the Colorado Emergency Management Conference in February!