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HomeCEMA Awards for 2023 Achievements

                        CEMA Awards for 2023 Achievements

We are happy to announce that the CEMA Awards Committee is now accepting award nominations for 2023 Emergency Management Accomplishments

CEMA offers 4 types of awards:

Rockie of the Year - A single annual award is presented statewide to an individual, with no more than two (2) years in the field of emergency management. (full-time career) whose work ethic, communications ability, collaborative nature or special projects achievements has shown his/her commitment to the field of comprehensive emergency management.

Mike Gelski Award for Outstanding Volunteer Achievement -  A single annual award is presented to an individual who is in a volunteer position, for at least two (2) years, supporting the tenets of comprehensive emergency management.  Mike Gelski was a volunteer with the Salvation Army whom is held as an example of an Outstanding Volunteer.  This award honors his memory.

Public/Private Partnership Award - This award has been established to recognized the collaborative local efforts between a public authority and a private sector entity.  This partnership should demonstrate a shared responsibility that has utilized the unique capabilities of each partner to deliver a valuable public benefit; whether it is a program, resource, project or a service that positively impacts community's citizens.  This partnership should be focused in one of the primary mission areas of emergency management to include preparedness, response, recovery, and/or mitigation.

To be considered for this award, nominations should address one or more of the following criteria:

           1.  Improved delivery of services                      5.  Measurable results
           2.  Scale/Scope                                               6.  Innovation
           3.  Sustainability                                             7.  Current and/or future cost savings
           4.  Economic or quality of life                           8.  How can it be replicated by others?

Regional All-Hazard Comprehensive Emergency Manager - One award is available to an individual from each of the nine (9) All-Hazards Regions, and is based on career achievement, overall contribution, local/regional coordination, specialized projects, or proven leadership in the field of comprehensive emergency management.

Please note that CEMA Awards are open to all individuals within the Emergency Management profession including volunteers, non-profits, and other non-government agency and entities.  Each nomination requires TWO nominating letters, and one of them must be from a current CEMA Member (as verified by the CEMA Membership Manager).  Any person can be nominated for multiple awards, but must be nominated on separate submittal forms.  Please distribute this announcement far and wide!

The nominations for CEMA Awards for 2023 Achievements are required to be submitted by COB on Friday, January 12, 2024.  Nominations must be submitted on the CEMA website.  See below link!

                          CEMA Awards for 2023 Achievements - Submission Check List and Nomination Form 


For those wishing to also submit nominations for 2024 President's Awards, please submit your written nominations directly to CEMA President Nate Fogg at by Friday, January 12, 2024.